Wednesday 17 April 2013

Kitty'er Kurashima Tatsuki

Model info :-

Model name : 倉嶋タツキ (Kurashima Tatsuki)
Type : Anime/Games inspired model
Modeller : ISAO
Release : Purchase through Melonbooks

GUMI V3 Whisper

Mamama's Original GUMI Whisper model. Only was available for DL for a day, that was GUMI's 3rd anniversary

Mamama's GUMI Whisper

Model info :-

Model name : GUMIβ V3 Whisper
Type : Vocaloid
Modeller : Mamama
Release : GUMI's 3rd Anniversary

Wikipedia external link 

Download GUMI Whisper

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Win100% Aoki Lapis

Kakomiki's Lapis

Model info :

Model name : Aoki Lapis
Type : Vocaloid
Modeller : Kakomiki 
Release : April 2012's issue

A very lovely Lapis, although I prefer Saboten's better =) Download below!


Friday 12 April 2013

Windows100% Makise Kurisu

Peepl talks about Kurisu. To be particular, Makise Kurisu from the trending anime Stein:s Gate. She was included in the purchase of June 2011's issue of Windows100% megazine. She's available in 2 versions, that is her normal brown jacket and a version with white lab coat.

Model info.

Model name : Kurisu, Makise
Type : Anime/Game characters
Modeller : Kakomiki
Release :  June 2011's issue

Wikipedia external link

Kakomiki's Kurisu

Wednesday 10 April 2013

YM Kagamine Rin & Len

So as to celebrate this site's opening, I decided to put these twins first for DL, sonce their distribution already ended, as so for the rest of other YM model. AND to respect the hardworking modeller(s) (yes we do respect them!), we did not give away edited models. Enjoy!

Download [YM Rin & Len]